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"They Called Him King"
45min  Easter Musical by Grant Eaton.
Fully orchestrated midi backings to all songs. [Download scores]

Suitable for presentation in an Easter service, with basic staging and costuming.
Involves  Adult or Youth Choir and Children's choir.
Solos for Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and some children.
The action is carried by small spoken roles by some Jews, soldiers, Samaritan women, children, and the Disciples. 
The audience also joins in with the disciples' hymn before Gethsemane and the triumphant 'Thine be the glory"
Click on a song's title to preview its score. Go to online Store to download.

  1. The One They Call King.   Overture and Narration.
  2. Are You the One?   A crowd of Jews, longing for their Messiah.
  3. Don't You Worry. Children at play, talk about the One people think might be the King.
  4. I Open My Heart.    Samaritan women, warm to this One.
  5. Hosanna      Crowd, including children line the street to hail this One.
  6. Oh, Jerusalem!   Jesus weeps over Jerusalem.
  7. Last Supper.   Jesus communes with his Disciples.
    The God of Abraham Praise. 
    And they sang a hymn together (with audience).
  8. Gethsemane.    Jesus' sorrow and bitter cup.
  9. Woe, Betrayer!   Judas betrays the Lord, and runs into the night.
  10. He was Despised. Disciples and followers mourn, recognising that He bore their sins.
  11. Resurrection Morning.  Mary grieves, but then rejoices
    He is the King.  
    Many recognise that He is the King and celebrate!
  12. It's a New Day!    Postscript and Narration.
    Thine Be the Glory! 
    Audience join in the celebration.
    Choirs and cast exit singing a joyful reprise.



3. Don't You Worry
4 I Open My Heart
5. Hosanna
6. Oh, Jerusalem
9. Woe Betrayer!




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Copyright © 2001- 2005 Grant Eaton Music Ministries, Adelaide Sth. Australia.

Last modified: May 15, 2009

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