The Eaton Diary of London 2001
My alternate Wednesdays off conveniently fell on today, when Mother was
visiting, so we decided to see a little more of London together. The weather was
not being particularly kind. In fact Mother had worn out the umbrella she bought
especially for the trip by putting it up and down one too many times during
yesterday's shopping trip. It felt as though the rain would hold off, but it was
very dull and overcast and certainly cold enough to need to take coats. We would
have to take shelter under just my umbrella if rain fell.
Our plan was to go to Kew Gardens and then take the ferry down the Thames to Westminster where we would meet Nicole and Andrea who hadn't yet had enough shopping time. Margie unfortunately had to work.
It was a very enjoyable day, with plenty of good fresh air and exercise, as we walked all around the Kew Gardens, feeling very refreshed by the opportunity to enjoy nature, and peace and quiet, and even a sense of solitude. Again, the only reminders that we were in a large city, were the ever-present planes heading to Heathrow. (Although, even they were removed from our skies quite recently, of course.)
Follow the links below to see photos of the day.