The Eaton Diary of London 2001
This term I am teaching in 2 schools.
Mondays and Tuesdays: In an all girls High school in Mitcham (next to cemetery no less). This school is closing at the end of this academic year and will be amalgamating with the local boys High school. It is a challenging situation, with very little progress having been made in the past in the music department and very little motivation for the future. They had several music teachers come and go last year and ended with none during most of the last term. Yr 8 and Yr 9 classes are required to have general music lessons as part of the National Curriculum, Key Stage 3, but it is a challenge to make these lesson profitable for the girls in this situation. It is quite a contrast to the boys school I taught in for the Summer Term. At QE boys there was an orchestra of instrumental players in Years 7-9, at the current girls school, I found one clarinettist, one violinist, and a couple of keyboard players. I think we could get quite a good rap band happening, if I were so inclined, but having heard more awful rap lyrics than I deem healthy, while living in the council flat, I'm not currently wanting to get into that.
Wednesday to Friday: I travel an hour and a half west out of London to Camberley in Surrey, to a special technology college where I teach senior students Music Technology. This is a refreshing change, and a wonderful opportunity. (Follow the link below for photos)
The trip out to Camberley is very enjoyable and I can actually leave home 15 minutes later than I used to for the daily run through London to Barnet during the Summer Term.
Why do I always think of Dick Whittington when I see this milestone near school?
This milestone is just outside the College, so it must be 28 miles from London. That doesn't sound too far, but this is London after all, and getting around is not very easy.
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