The Music Theory
Notebook provides brief notes
on aspects of Music Theory that may help with Improvisation skills, and
general knowledge.
Clef and Bass Clef
to READ and WRITE in both the Treble and Bass Clefs.
Practise Drills and Quizzes included, to improve your
speed and accuracy.
Each key has 3
main chords. They are built on the 1st, 4th, and 5th degrees of the
scale. Practice these with the midi files provided.
When a 7th is
added to a chord, the harmony is enriched. This progression of 7th
chords is an easy progression to practice with the midi files
provided. It has a spicy, jazz feel.
Bar Blues Progression.
This progression
formed the basis of much popular music in the 1950's to
1970's, and so is very predicable. You can enjoy improvising your
own rhythmic and melodic patterns with this easily recognisable
harmonic pattern.
Circle of Fifths.
See the
relationship of all the keys, set out in the Circle of 5ths. The
logical patterns of keys and key signatures are shown. This circle
forms a basis for practicing the Primary Triads and understanding
modulation between keys.
etc. [Check back for
Home Up Notes Keyboard Reading Drills Treble Clef Bass Clef Scales Triads Primary Triads Circle of 5th 12 Bar Progression Sevenths Improvisation Song Writing Audio Help